1) Download and install Process Template Editor Tool Extention from Visual Studio Extention Menu option or we could refer to the below URL... https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=ms-devlabs.msdevlabs-pte 2) Once you installed it please restart the VisualStudio and go to the menu option "Tool". 3) Here we will be able to see the "Process Editor" option (If not then it's not installed correctly). 4) Now Select the "Global List" option which will give again multiple sub-options 5) Select sub-option "Open Global List from Server" (We need to fetch data from connected TFS sever). 6) Connect to the desired server location and ok, You will get all the folders and branches Tree graph. 7) Now expand the desired folder or branch and create a new "Node" or "item", example:- "Release 10.1" 8) Now go to your TFS web dashboard where you manage all the tasks ex:- URL:- http://......(TFS server address.) 9) Now t...
Docker’s Basic Tutorial
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***** Docker’s Basic Tutorial ***** Step 1) Create an account in Docker Hub, URL:- https://hub.docker.com/ (Remember Docker ID and Password) Step 2) Install Docker in your system, different installer for multiple OS. URL:- https://docs.docker.com/get-docker/ Step 3) Login into Docker app using Docker hub account(using Docker ID and Password) Step 4) Open Win PowerShell in Admin mode (I don’t know about MAC....But I am sure there will be something to run commands) Step 5) Now to check installed Docker version Run cmd => "docker --version" Result => "Docker version 20.10.7, build f0df350" Note => You might get a different version, depends on what is installed at the current time. Step 6) Now let’s try to run an image....but wait I don’t have any image thing in my system...So How can I?... Solution:- Simply run below cmd. Run cmd => "docker run hellow-world" Result => Unable to find image 'hellow-world: latest' locally docker: Error r...
Git and GitHub Tutorial
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***** Git and GitHub Tutorial ***** Steps to Practice Cmd:- 1) Create an account in GitHub and create one repository with a readme file. 2) Download and install git for your OS. 3) Open Git Bash cmd and check git version cmd => $ git --version 4) You can setup git credentials using cmd=> git config --global user.name "YourUsername" and cmd=> git config --global user.email "YourEmailID" 5) Move to the desired directory using the cd command 6) Now to clone the repository from Github cmd => git clone <github url of your repo> ..... ex => git clone https://github.com/rajmote/helpdeskui.git 7) check what you got from GitHub cmd=> ls (It will give you readme.txt file in the list.) 8) Now check the status by cmd => git status (On branch main Your branch is up to date with 'origin/main'.) 9) Now add your project or project files in a directory which you want to check-in and hi...
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Docker’s Basic Tutorial Step 1) Create account in Docker Hub, url:- https://hub.docker.com/ (Remember Docker ID and Password) Step 2) Install Docker in your system, different installer for multiple OS. url:- https://docs.docker.com/get-docker/ Step 3) Login into Docker app using Docker hub account(using Docker ID and Password) Step 4) Open Win PowerShell in Admin mode (I don’t know about MAC....But I am sure there will be something to run commands) Step 5) Now to check installed Docker version Run cmd => " docker --version " Result => "Docker version 20.10.7, build f0df350" Note => You might get different version, depends on what is installed at current time. Step 6) Now let’s try to run an image....but wait I don’t have any image thing in my system....So How can I?...Solution:- Simply run below cmd. Run cmd => "docker run hellow-world" Result => Unable to find image 'hellow-world...
React Js Tutorial for beginner
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What is React Js? React JS is a JavaScript library to build attractive user friendly Ui. Prerequisite for ReactJS? - Basic knowledge on ES6 - Basic knowledge on html, css, js - Basic knowledge on npm Tools required - Vs code (And its free extensions like Babel JavaScript) React Installation - Install Node.js and npm - Install Visual code editor - Install React from Terminal, for this open cmd as an administrative role And then hit the following commands one by one. a) Npm install -g create-react-app (This command will install react at global level and will be accessible to any project at any location in the installed machine.) b) Create-react-app –version (this command will be useful to check and verify React Js version.) c) C...
How to split string into Array of strings using C# ?
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Freshers face situations where they need to split lengthy String into separate and small strings. In order to achieve this goal we need to think on which basis we are going to split that lengthy string. Whether that character is a special symbol or an alphabet or just a space. The good thing is .Net Framework provides a built-in function to make this happen easily. We will see in following simple program how to do it. Code Snippet:- public class SplitingString { public static void Main() { // Display message to enter lengthy string Console.WriteLine("Enter the complete string"); // The input is a variable to store entered string string input = Console.ReadLine(); // Splitting string on the basis of space and storing into an output string array string[] output = input.Split(' '); // Looping through the array to display values one by one foreach (var wo...
Multiple Inheritance in C#
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In this article we are going to see, Inheritance in C#. So, What is an Inheritance in C#? An Inheritance is a concept or approach where one type can be derived from other types Just like a son gets his DNA from his parents. In c#, we can derive a type from other types. So the child type can inherit its parent type members such as Methods, Property, etc. Now, we will see Multiple Inheritance where a class can derive from more than one type. But for that, a class has to derive from Interfaces. Because Interfaces supports multiple Inheritance, a normal class derived from only one Class and multiple interfaces. (Type means Classes, Interfaces, and Abstract classes)Following is a simple program to understand it. Code Snippet:- public interface Interface1 { /// <summary> /// Abstract method declaration /// </summary> /// <param name="_input"></param> void WhatUgot(int _input); } public interface Interface2 { /// <summary> /// Abstract...